Mary of the Divine Heart

Sister Mary of the Divine Heart , born Maria Droste zu Vischering, was a person of old German nobility and Roman Catholic nun of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, best known for having influenced Pope Leo XIII to make the consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Pope Leo XIII himself called this solemn consecration the greatest act of my pontificate.

Maria Anna Johanna Franziska Theresia Antonia Huberta Droste zu Vischering was born with her twin brother Max on September 8, 1863, solemnity feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, in the Erbdrostenhof Palace, in Mnster, a city in the North Westphalia region, Germany, the daughter of one of the noblest German families who distinguished themselves by their fidelity to the Catholic Church during the persecution of the Kulturkampf her parents were Klemens Heidenreich Franz Hubertus Eusebius Maria, the count Droste zu Vischering, and Helene Clementine Maria Anna Sybille Huberta Antonia, the countess of Galen. Because of the fragility of her health, Maria was baptized immediately at birth.

Source: Wikipedia